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We protect what you value the most, your family!

Here we are to support and guide you through this important process in a person's life.

We offer you a wide variety of life and health insurance policies and plans, with the most solid companies in the United States to guarantee the best coverage and rates on the market.

We have options that adapt to you and we'll give you all the advice you need before taking one or more insurance policies.

Let me take care of your future so you can enjoy your present, contact me today and don't miss the opportunity to secure your life and your loved ones.

Alberto Garcia and Ormary Solarino.

Life and Health Insurance, protect your Family and their future

Services for you:

It´s better to have a Life Insurance and not need it, than need it and not have it.

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Do you have any idea of ​​the cost of a disease and how it can affect your financial future? 


What is an Indexed Universal Life Insurance (IUL)?

Indexed universal life insurance it´s an insurance product that combines a death benefit with an investment component.

It is a permanent form of insurance since it remains in effect for as long as premiums are paid on time or until the maturity date mentioned in the policy.

Maturity dates can happen when the insured person reaches a certain age, ranging from 85 to 121, depending on the terms outlined in the policy.

Rather than providing a fixed interest rate, the cash value part of an IUL is linked to the performance of a market index, such as the Standard and Poor's 500 (S&P 500).

The cash value part of the IUL is not directly invested in the stock market, so policyholders will not lose money on any downturns like they would on an index fund.

Instead, the insurance company protects the principal against losses and guarantees a minimum interest rate, regardless of the market's performance. Unfortunately, the maximum interest rate remains the same, even if the market outperforms it.

Indexed universal life insurance policies are somewhat flexible since there is an option to divide assets between the fixed and indexed components of the policy. There is also an option to modify death benefits or premium payments within specified limits.

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What is Final Expense Insurance?

Final expense insurance, also known as burial insurance, it´s a type of life insurance that is specifically designed to cover outstanding expenses and funeral costs after a loved one passes away. Unlike pre-paid funeral plans, final expense insurance can be used by the beneficiary you designate as and where needed rather than being limited to specific funeral services and providers. With the cost of an average funeral running into the thousands, a final expense policy can provide much needed protection from not only burial expenses, but also any remaining medical costs, potential legal costs as well as other outlays.

Final expense policies will have a lower face value than most traditional term or whole life policies as they are intended for a specific purpose of covering those final costs rather than providing comprehensive support for surviving family members. These type of policies generally don’t require a medical exam, but premiums will be higher the older you are, and some benefit payouts may be limited during the first few years of coverage for those with significant health issues.

How much does a cremation funeral cost?

According to NFDA report, the approximate national cost of an adult funeral with cremation with visitation is between $5,000 and $8,000.

What is Obamacare?

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) – also known as Obamacare – is a sweeping piece of legislation signed into law by President Barack Obama in 2010. The law was intended to improve the affordability and quality of health insurance in the United States.

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Can I contract a Health Insurance if I have a pre-existing disease or condition?

All plans must cover treatment for pre-existing medical conditions. No insurance plan can reject you, charge you more, or refuse to pay for essential health benefits for any condition you had before your coverage started.

Does health insurance cover cosmetic surgeries?

No, health insurance does not provide this coverage; It can only occur in special cases, due to the high cost. The policies only cover these expenses when there is a underlying health problem, such as an accident or illness.

Can I choose my preferred doctor with health insurance?

Yes, most insurance companies allow it, as well as manage appointments

Can a senior purchase health insurance?

There are options to insure people over 64 years of age, which is the maximum average age accepted by most insurers, ask me what options exist.

What is a permanent life insurance? 

Permanent life insurance is an umbrella term for life insurance policies that do not expire. The two primary types of permanent life insurance are whole life and universal life, and most permanent life insurance combines a death benefit with a savings portion. Whole life insurance offers coverage for the full lifetime of the insured, and its savings can grow at a guaranteed rate.

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 English (503)381-4843 / Español (407)236-4898 

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